Monday, March 8, 2010

My very first entry...

Hello world. This is my very first entry on my blog, and with so many ideas swimming around in my head it's almost difficult to find a starting point. So here goes nothing...

As a product designer with 13 years and counting designing and developing items for the retail world I decided to take my experience in fabrics and products and put them to good creative use. I love my profession, and I take great pride when I walk through one of those big giant retail stores that we love to hate and see my items hanging in the aisle for sale. I really get a kick out of seeing someone purchase one of those lucky items. The downside? Well, designs really need to be watered down in order to have mass appeal. This is where I struggle creatively. Sometimes I really want to go into a store, find a very cute cosmetic bag, vintage style (new) apron or place mats that are unique but not pay a small fortune.

My solution? I'll make the items myself!

Stay tuned for images of my ongoing projects, trend finds and tips. I travel overseas frequently and am always finding inspiration everywhere I go. I'll keep you posted on what's new and for a quick fix you can always visit my etsy page at

Thanks and happy blogging!!

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